Serendipity and the Boob Tree

Do you believe in serendipity? I do. In fact, I have had so many serendipitous moments in my life that I have become a firm believer in what I call the theory of cosmic design. Do not confuse cosmic design with predestination. I do not believe that God has foreordained all things in my life (Seriously, with wars, famines, floods, hurricanes, terrorism, and diseases, I doubt God has the time to plan out whether I will have bran cereal or left over pizza for breakfast on March 23, 2012), but I do believe that some things are just meant to be. For those of you who are not familiar with my concept, cosmic design is the idea that there are unseen forces in the universe pushing us along the path to self-discovery and fulfillment. In other words, I don’t believe that every happy accident is an accident. As I write this, I realize that my theory is at odds with serendipity and that perhaps I should leave the deeper thinking to philosophers and theologians. What I really am trying to say...