Sensuous, Shocking, Suspenseful, Scintillating: Leah's Favorite Beach Reads

The temperatures are climbing and the hammock is calling. If you are like me, you enjoy swinging in the shade or sitting on the sand, a fab beach read in hand. I have compiled a list of my favorite beach reads for you, my gentle reader. So step away from the computer screen (it casts a ghastly white glow that does nothing for your complexion) and out into the sunshine. Grab one of these books, some lemonade, and read! My blog will be here when you get back...I promise! The Reluctant Tuscan by Phil Doran This book is like a big pot of Pasta Fagioli . It's warm, satisfying, wholesome, and full of rich flavor and colors. On dreary winter days in Alaska, when the sun would cling to the horizon like a miser clutching coins, I would make a pot of Pasta Fagioli and read Phil Doran's hilarious memoir about his move from glitzy Los Angeles to a ramshackle, 300 year old house in a village in Tuscany. I have recommended The Reluctant...