'Tis the Season to be Marie Antoinette: Part Deux

As a treat for you, my beloved blog-follower, I have gathered together a plethora of Marie Antoinette related treasures available on the open market. Get ready to click your Amazon Universal Wish List Button . Here comes 'Tis the Season Part Two! A Pillow On Which to Rest My Shopping Weary Head - Long lines, mad mobs, rainchecks, rude cashiers, pushy salesmen. Living the life of a Royal Shopper is exhausting, especially during the Holidays. Although it is not the most revolutionary idea ever shared, I would like to offer you a suggestion. Why not take a rest, recline your head upon a charming, down-filled pillow? Pierre Deux has the most romantic little Marie Antoinette Toile Pillow featuring a whimsical pattern based on an engraving of Versailles. Before you click the link above, let me warn you. The $195 price tag might cause you to scream, "Sacre Bleu!" Sure, it is a lot of money for ...