There's No Place Like Paris

Leah Marie Brown It's that time of year I have come to dread. For most of the world, the long, dreary march through Winter is nearing its end and the verdant days of Spring lie just on the horizon. Soon, the snow will melt, the birds will chirp, the flowers will bloom. Petite princesses in pastel dresses will romp through grassy fields in search of decorated East er eggs. While the rest of the world is packing away their winter coats and wooly Uggs, I will be bundled in a hideous Arctic Squall Parka, staring up at my gutters, willing the icicles to melt. (Don't laugh, icicle watching is a favorite pasttime here in Anchorage. In fact, it's even a competitive event at Fur Rondy , an annual festival to mark the beginning of the Iditarod Dog Sled Race. I am told icicle mind melting is one of the training exercises performed by the Iditarod Mushers to help them improve their concentration skills.) Anchorage in t...