Below the Surface

Knowing of my love for Marilyn Monroe , a friend sent me a book of Marilyn's recently discovered poetry and journal entries. I took the book to my screened-in porch, curled up on my chaise, and lost myself in Marilyn's candid, touching musings, the cicadas providing a rhythmic, soothing backtrack. I was struck by Marilyn's intellect, courage, self-depreciating humor, and deeply probing questions. I found her to be a talented poetess and a philosopher. I've always intuitively sensed there was more to her than big boobs and a big smile. Yet, so many times I have focused on her external, rather than her internal beauty. It's an easy trap to fall into - looking only at the surface, failing to probe a bit deeper. How many times do we make rash judgements about someone - a surly cashier, a seemingly "perfect" parent, an unfriendly neighbor? Dumb Blonde Jokes I have been unfairly judged because of my looks and pers...