Look for the Dragonfly Moments

I confess, I am a travel harlot. Each time I journey to a new locale, I capriciously give my affections away. It doesn't matter if I am traipsing over the wild Yorkshire Moors, sipping lemoncello by the sea in Portofino, listening to the wind rattle through a bamboo forest in Arishiyama, or devouring Tex-Mex beside a trailer in Austin, I fall in love as easily as a tweenie-bopper at a Justin Bieber concert. No matter the adventure (or, misadventure as is often the case), I always find something to adore. That one thing that becomes, for me, synonymous with the place. It might be a restaurant, park or museum. Sometimes, it's just one moment. One perfect, vivid travel moment painted upon the canvas of my mind. A masterpiece to be privately admired over and over again. I call it "looking for my dragonfly moment." I coined the phrase several years ago, after a series of unfortunate events lead me to South Korea. ...