I Have a Cottage in Ireland

My wanderings have taken me from Toledo to Tokyo, Pittsburgh to Paris, Vacaville to Vienna, Charleston to Cologne. I have marveled at the wonders of the world, made my home in exotic locales, and forged bonds with people of many nations. Of all my journeys, none has resonated with me as deeply as my recent trip to Ireland. I made a soul connection with the place and her people. This should probably come as no surprise to those who know me well. After all, I have an abundance of Irish DNA surging through my veins. The connection is cellular. I'm also an enthusiastic storyteller and conversationalist (a nice way of saying I have the gift for gab ). Still, I was surprised by my immediate affection for Ireland. I had only been there a few days when I began daydreaming about buying a cottage in Kenmare and opening up a bookstore/tea shop on her quaint, colorful mai...