What's So Great About Scotland?

When I woke this morning, I detected a nip in the air, an unmistakable drop in temperature heralding the approach of autumn. Here in Colorado, that means getting the snow blower serviced, pulling out your down filled parka, and stocking the pantry with survival food (caramel chocolate bars, tortilla chips, and wine). Unlike other places in the world, Colorado does not slip gently into that good season. When the first cool breeze blows, snow is soon to follow. Rather than mourn the demise of bathing suit season, I made myself a pot of tea and toast with strawberry jam. For me, tea and toast slathered with strawberry jam are inextricably linked with autumn. I blame it on Scotland. Several years ago, my best friend nagged/bargained/convinced me to go on a three week tour of the United Kingdom with her. I was the reluctant tourist. Not because I loathe travel. On the contrary. J’adore travel! But...