Happy Birthday Vivia!

Let's face it, births are messy and painful, but birthdays are fabulous and fun! To c elebrate my novel's one month birthday, I am throwing an uber-fabulous online party, and you are invited. There will be virtual glitter , champagne, music , a celebrity appearance , and prezies for all! So don your swankiest ensemble, mon amie , and let's get ready to paaaarty ! Nothing is worse than walking blind into a party. Am I right? I don't mean literally walking blind - that would be painful. You still have your sense of sight, but you don't know a single person at the party. You are the outsider...and you feel awkward, a little self-conscious, constantly checking your breath, hair, pits. I don't want any of you to feel that way. Let's just forgo the nervous tummies and sweaty pits, shall we? Allow me to share the guest list... Vivia Perpetua Grant will be in the house. Vivia is the heroi...