Happy Birthday Vivia!

Let's face it, births are messy and painful, but birthdays are fabulous and fun!  

To celebrate my novel's one month birthday, I am throwing an uber-fabulous online party, and you are invited.  There will be virtual glitter, champagne, music, a celebrity appearance, and prezies for all!  So don your swankiest ensemble, mon amie, and let's get ready to paaaarty!  

Nothing is worse than walking blind into a party.  Am I right?  I don't mean literally walking blind - that would be painful.  You still have your sense of sight, but you don't know a single person at the party.  You are the outsider...and you feel awkward, a little self-conscious, constantly checking your breath, hair, pits.  

I don't want any of you to feel that way.  Let's just forgo the nervous tummies and sweaty pits, shall we?  Allow me to share the guest list...

Vivia Perpetua Grant will be in the house.  Vivia is the heroine of Faking It.  Some reviewers have described her as "an adorkable hot mess" and "the best heroine, like, ever."  She is a bit conflicted. She wears conservative clothes, but listens to raunchy metal music.  She takes Zumba classes until she drops, and then eats Mister Foos Spicy Chicken or Torchy's Tacos.  She's engaged to a conservative, prudish lawyer, but lusts for bad boy rocker, Ronnie Radke. She is struggling to forge an identity that is pleasing to others, but true to herself.  You'll probably find her talking non-stop or sipping champagne cocktails.  

Stephanie Moreau, Vivia's best friend, will also be at the party.  Fanny is witty and sophisticated.  She's French, which means the sophistication gene is pretty much hardwired into her DNA.  She is also an uber-competitive Type A, busting her size 2 ass at work and at the gym.  Don't let her poised, polished facade fool you, because on the inside, she is a wreck...but you won't learn more about that until book three, Working It.

Jean-Luc de Caumont is Vivia's crazy hot boyfriend.  The Frenchman is a professor of Literature at the University of Montpellier and a former Tour de France cyclist.  Be careful around Luc. Although he is completely loyal to Vivia, some reviewers have described him as an "Adonis on a bike" and a "hero with impossible to resist charm."  Another reviewer said, "What woman wouldn't fall for a sensual Frenchman who...'smells like sex and sunshine, passion and power, a sultry aroma that could be worn only by confident men like Greek gods or Roman gladiators'?"

Many other characters will be in attendance - too many to list on a single blog entry.  The important thing is that you have met three major players, which should help you to feel more confident about striding into the soiree sans your plus one. 


I know what you are thinking:  Dispense with these polite introductions and unnecessary social graces, Leah Marie, and show me the swag.  I promised you prezies and here they are:

Here are two prezies for everyone!  First, I would like to give you access to an Excerpt of Faking It
Second, I would like to give you a sneak peek at the second book in my It Girls series, Finding It.  

Next, be sure to register to win one or more of these fabulous giveaway prezies!  To make entering easier, I have set up Rafflecopters, which are listed below each prize description.  Bon chance!

Prize one:  Pin the cover of Finding It onto any of your Pinterest boards and use the hashtags #ItGirls and #leahmariebrown and you will automatically be entered to win an autographed copy of FINDING IT, book two of my It Girls series.  Follow Vivia on her misadventures to London, Edinburgh, and the Highlands!  Subscribe to my mailing list and you will get a second entry.

Prize two:  Want another chance to win a fab prize?  All you have to do is post a brief review of Faking It on Goodreads or Amazon and you will be entered to win a super swanky Kate Spade paperweight.
Don't groan!  This isn't just some ordinary hunk of glass...this is an uber-cute paperweight that says, "Eat Cake For Breakfast."  I have one just like it...so if you win, we will be paperweight pals.  

Prize three:  Listen up y'all, the mega talented writer, Cindy Miles, is in the house and she's brought some swag.  She has donated digital copies of her wildly popular New Adult books, Stupid Girl and Stupid Boy.  All you need to do to enter to win her books is tweet or post the following message: 

I just attended the #FakingIt birthday bash & entered to win @cindymilesbooks & other fab swag! You should enter: http://bit.ly/1ICKW3H


Prize four:  My awesome publisher, Kensington/Lyrical, has donated an ab fab Kate Spade Daycation Bon Shopper bag!  This is the bag parfait for a trip to the beach -- maybe Cannes -- or your local market.  Love, love, love Kensington and love, love, love this bag.  To enter to win this bag, all you have to do is tweet: 

What do I pack in my carry-on?  @KensingtonBooks like @leahmariebrown's hilarious new #Chicklit novel #FakingIt

Prize five:  DuVine Bike Tours and Cycling Adventures has generously donated five of their handy and stylish cycling bags.  These are sturdy bags, perfect for any of your adventures.  To enter to win a bag, all you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post answering this question:  If you could go on a cycling adventure anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Score an extra entry by tweeting this:

I just finished reading #FakingIt by @leahmariebrown & now I want to go on a @Duvine cycling adventure to #France! 

Prize six:  Sharon Hubner Wilson, an authorized Younique saleswoman, has donated one fiber mascara set.  This mascara is truly amazing, giving you the false lashes look without all of that messy glue. To enter to win the mascara, please answer the following question in my comments section:  What is your best beauty product find?

Prize seven:  RITA nominated author, Lily Dalton, has donated a copy of her novel, Never Surrender to a Scoundrel.  To enter to win this prize, all you have to do is post the following message on your Facebook wall or Twitter feed:

I just added Never Surrender to a Scoundrel by @lilydalton & Faking It by @leahmariebrown to my @Amazon wish list! 

Prize eight:  My friend and fellow author, Kieran Kramer, has donated an advance reader's copy of her novel Trouble When You Walked In and a treat bag.  To enter to win Kieran's novel, all you have to do is tweet or FB post the following message:

I just added Trouble When You Walked In by @kierankramer & Faking It by @leahmariebrown to my @Amazon wish list! 

Prize nine:  The incredibly motivating and talented author, Renee Ryan, has donated a copy of her novel The Marriage Agreement.  If you would like to enter to win a copy of Renee's novel, all you have to do is tweet or Facebook post the following message:

I just added The Marriage Agreement by @reneeryanbooks & Faking It by @leahmariebrown to my @Amazon wish list! 

Prize ten:  Want to win a twenty five dollar Amazon gift card?  All you have to do is tweet or Facebook post the following message:

I just finished reading the hilarious #chicklit #novel #FakingIt by @leahmariebrown & #MySidesAche from laughing 

Prize ten:  The wonderful, award-winning novelist, Karen Docter, has donated a digital copy of her upcoming release, Cop On Her Doorstep, a True Love in Uniform novel.  To enter to win a copy of Karen't novel, all you have to do is tweet or FB post the following message:

I just added Cop On Her Doorstep @karendocter & Faking It by @leahmariebrown to my @Amazon wish list! 

Prize eleven:  I am giving away a gift basket filled with lovely goodies from Provence and Tuscany.  To enter to win this basket, you must leave a review for FAKING IT on Goodreads, Amazon, or Barns & Noble. If you would like an extra five entries, pre-order FINDING IT and send a copy of your email confirmation/receipt to my email address: leahmariebrown@live.com

We've done a lot of talking - which is totally cool - but I think it's time for some tunes.  We can get back to talking after this brief jam session with one of Vivia's favorite bands.

Vivia totally digs Red Beaches, these super delicious and crazy expensive champagne cocktails served at ZPlage, a hip beach-side bar in Cannes.  She's such an amazing chick, she ordered a Red Beach for all of us...and she's giving us the recipe (which she got after she flirted with the bartender).  How fab is that?

The Infamous and Coveted ZPlage Red Beach Cocktail:

Start with an expensive bottle of Champagne, no scrimping, s'il vous plait. The champagne is like the base note in a complicated and pricey perfume.  If you start with a foul base note, it doesn't matter which top notes you add, it will stink.  Then add:  Malibu, Sirop de Fraise, Jus de Citron, and Ice!

No birthday party is complete without toasts to the guest of honor.  So, here are some plaudits for Vivia:

“Prepare to laugh, to sigh, to turn pages fast! I want a one-way ticket to Vivia's world.”  Kieran Kramer, USA Today Bestselling Author

“A funny, romantic, fast-paced, all-expense-paid pleasure read through France and Tuscany you don't want to miss.”  Gretchen Galway, Bestselling Author of This Time Next Door

“When it comes to crafting clever, intelligent, wonderful escapist fiction with a heroine every woman wants to know, Leah Marie Brown is a new voice to watch. Prepare to fall in love!”  Renee Ryan, Daphne du Maurier Award-Winning Author

“Audacious, adorable and addictive! Faking It is a one-sitting read!”

"From first page to last, Faking It, is delightful fun. I dare you not to giggle your way through the European countryside alongside jilted bride Vivia Perpetua as she discovers seldom used muscles, her self-worth, and a hot French lover on her honeymoon bicycling tour.Karen's Killer Book Bench  

Share Reviews:  Vivia Grant is going down as one of my favorite heroines!

It's that sad time, mes amies -- when glitter covers the dance floor, the champagne bottles are empty, and people are starting to move towards the door. Before you leave, let's exchange our contact deets, okay?  If you would like to keep in touch with Vivia, you can follow her on her various social media accounts.  

  • Vivia Perpetua Grant on Pinterest - Boards dedicated to Vivia's absolute fave things, like food, fun, and friends.
  • The Chic Traveler on Pinterest - Boards dedicated to traveling - what to wear to some of the most fab cities in the world, what to pack in your carry-on, where to eat, what to see...
  • Vivia Perpetua Grant on Twitter 
  • Vivia Perpetua Grant's Blog - Articles written by Vivia about her wild life and slightly manic misadventures. Check it out to learn where to get the best cocktail in Cannes, the best gelato in San Gimignano...

Don't be sad, Mes Amies! 
Vivia won't be gone for long... 

You can follow Vivia on her wild adventures through the United Kingdom by reading book two of the It Girls, due out September 29, 2015!  

Pre-order your copy of FINDING IT today!  

Now, wasn't that fun?


Janine said…
Happy Birthday!
Sherry Knack said…
I would love to bike around France like in the book. I would most likely have the same problems with the trip as our heroine though.
Aleksandra said…
I'd love to go cycling around Paris and my best beauty product is L'Oreal lipstick :)

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