Attitude of Gratitude

"When you're at Mont St. Michel, see if you can't find
me a heart shaped stone."
And I did. We were walking along the causeway, just before
the tide came in (this is before they added the slick, raised, paved causeway).
I looked down and saw a heart-shaped stone.
I have made it one of my travel traditions to
look for a heart-shaped stone for my Momma...even if we aren't speaking.
I have a nice little collection now.
A dark greenish heart
stone I found near castle ruins in Scotland.
A heart shaped stone that appears to be a piece of masonry I found near a chateau in France.
A smooth light gray heart stone
plucked from the shores of my beloved Ireland...
I am grateful for this tradition because it helps me to stay
connected to my mom in a simple, painless way. It also reminds me that no
matter how far I travel, no matter how much I see and experience, I should
remember to look for and value the "small" treasures life offers.